Wednesday, September 30, 2009

NYSHA Staff Member Today

Today, was an exciting day because my assistantship went from being paid by SUNY Oneonta to being paid by the New York State Historical Association.  The reason this is exciting is because I go from having 2-3 assistantship hours a week to having 7-10 hours a week, which is a lot more money, and being a grad student every little bit helps.

Now, I can't remember if I talked about what I was doing as my assistantship, but basically my assistantship is Special Projects, which basically means that i do what needs to get done.  Right now that involves me writing and sending out letters to all the professionals who wrote letters of recommendation for students, inviting them to share our program with other students they think might be interested.   Basically, I just writing letters and sending information packets out.  Besides that I am going to be working on developing the CGP wikipedia page, so we get more information about the program out there, and I am also going to be working with a few other girls in developing the opening event for the new CGP building next Spring.  

All and all it seems like a lot of fun, and some interesting work, especially with the opening event stuff that needs to get done.

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